stupid jokes

Do you like clever and doltish jokes?
Tell me a funny joke
That's the joke
Cheesy jokes
funny jokes for kids
funny jokes for adults
Most clever jokes that are so imbecilic, they will influence you to pee your jeans.

Indeed, it was a trap question, and you truly don't have to answer since if I'm not mistaken, we as a whole like imbecilic jokes, clever statements and stupid jokes.

What's more, as much as we prefer to hear these funny jokes, we want to impart them to our loved ones all the time by means of informal communities, for example, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Regardless of how inept and imbecilic these jokes sound, we can never get enough of them. Some of them are essentially superior to others, while some are more terrible than anything you may have heard in your life.

So when a Reddit client asked this straightforward inquiry in Reddit discussion, "What's a joke that is so idiotic it's really amusing?", he got a gigantic reaction from his kindred individuals.

Everyone went insane and began dumping their most entertaining jokes and cliché plays on words in the discussion subject and in a matter of moments, in excess of 7000 passages of interesting jokes were included for our giggling needs.

Here, we have gathered a portion of the best idiotic however interesting jokes for you. These funny jokes are stupid to the point that it won't just ensure to make you facepalm yet additionally roar with laughter in the meantime.

You will be astounded by a portion of the moronic jokes and should offer credit to the Redditors, in light of the fact that they are extremely exceptionally inventive.

In this way, immediately, we exhibit you the most clever and idiotic jokes

stupid jokes stupid jokes Reviewed by funny jokes on 9:36 PM Rating: 5


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